The performance-testing project analyses how well the Docker-based Packet Tracer solution proposed in PTAnywhere can scale.
This page will be updated with the test results.
The tests will check what happens in the system when N Packet Tracer instances are running simultaneously.
Disk size demanded
The following chart shows the disk needed by Docker to store a container after running it. During the execution they require significantly less disk space. Note that storing the container after its execution might not be always a desired feature. If it is not, Docker will get rid of the resources allocated.
Response time
The following chart shows the time needed to contact a Packet Tracer instance after its container has been started.
CPU usage
CPU total usage
The following chart shows the total CPU time allocated by each container during their lifetime (around 5 seconds).
CPU percent usage
Note that the testing machine has 16 cores. Therefore 1600% should be the upper limit.
Memory usage
Memory usage
The following chart shows the summatory of the memory usage recorded for each container and the maximum memory usage.
Memory percentual usage
Note: the machine where it has been tested has 125 GiBs.